Complete Project

S.N. Project Name Project Area Donor Amount Project Period Ramarks
1 Strengthening Resilience of Livestock Farmers through Risk Reducing Services Cumilla PKSF, SDC 14,03,579.00 2022-2023 To reduce morbidity and mortality rates among livestock through viable extension services.
2 Strengthened and Informative Migration Systems (SIMS), Phase-I Project Cumilla RMMRU, Helvetas Bangladesh 7,59,39,260.00 2021-2024 The well-being of the migrant workers and their family members, particularly the marginalized men and women in safer migration practices through improved quality of services and information. Supports to make informed choices related to migration ensure access to justice and provide financial literacy to the migrant community.
3 Livelihood Restoration Loan (LRL) Program Cumilla PKSF, GOB 8,00,00,000.00 2021-2024 To revive Covid-19 affected economic activities of the rural poor and create self-employment opportunities.
4 Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) Cumilla PKSF, WB 31,65,34,000.00 2020-2024 To increase the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices by targeted microenterprises.
5 Sanitation Development Loan (SDL)/Output-Based Aid (OBA) Sanitation Microfinance Program Cumilla PKSF, WB, GOB 25,00,000.00 2019-2024 To provide appropriate loans to the rural poor in Bangladesh for constructing hygienic latrines.
6 Microenterprise Development Project (MDP) and MDP (AF) Cumilla PKSF, ADB 22,70,00,000.00 2019-2023 To promote microenterprise development for inclusive economic development and rural poverty reduction.
7 Social and Economic Exclusion and Migration (SEEM) Cumilla Refugee and Migratory Movement Research Unit (RMMRU) and MJF 44,89,548.00 2019-2021 Awareness campaigning activities by engaging community groups/representatives of returnees in collecting evidence-based information, and legal assistance for affected women migrants and left behind families. Develop a model skill development training course for potential female migrant workers. Social and economic reintegration support for women returnees etc.
8 Cultural and Sports Program Cumilla PKSF, CCDA Provided Technical Support 2016-2024 To patronize and promote Indigenous country sports and traditional culture to discover the latent of students and youths.
9 Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People program Cumilla PKSF, CCDA 25,00,000.00 2016-2024 To help the elderly people minimize their miseries.
10 Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) Project Cumilla PKSF, IFAD 2,00,08,840.00 2015-2023 To expedite poverty reduction through promoting farm and nonfarm microenterprises to instrumental to mainstreaming a value chain approach with the aim of scaling-up outreach and impact.
11 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) Cumilla PKSF, GOB, SDC Provided Technical Support 2014- 2017 To develop a skilled workforce through skills training and place them in self and wage employment.
12 Asserting Migration Rights (AMR) Cumilla Refugee and Migratory Movement Research Unit (RMMRU) and DFID 36,75,637.00 2013-2016 Ensure migration worker rights formation of the Migrant Rights Protection Committee (MRPC) comprising returnee migrants, journalists, local-level bank official local leaders, and family members of migrant workers. Aware people of safe migration and better utilization of remittance.
13 Developing Inclusive Insurance Sector Project (DIISP) Cumilla PKSF, ADB Provided Technical Support 2010-2015 Protect the livelihood of the poor households, especially of the women exposed to different types of risk like accident, illness, theft, and natural disaster and to insure their assets and welfare through low-cost inclusive insurance services.
14 Infrastructure Development for Floodplain Aquaculture in Comilla District (Daudkandi Model) Cumilla Department of Fisheries of GOB 12,57,100.00 2008- 2011 Poor people of flood plain area. Organizing training on aquaculture activities for the beneficiaries and promoting fish culture in the flood plain area of the Meghna -Gomoti basin.
15 Remittance and Payments Partnership (RPP) Cumilla Refugee and Migratory Movement Research Unit (RMMRU) and DFID 12,51333.00 2007- 2009 Assist the beneficiaries (migrants and their family members) with the ways of safe migration. Motivation & awareness of all stakeholders of the legal system of money transfer from abroad.
16 Partnership for Peace Building in Families and Communities Cumilla Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Bangladesh 62,04,300.00 2006 - 2010 100 Community leaders were aware of the process of mediation, and 500 farm families improved family relations through conflict mediation in their family.
17 Ultra Poor Program (UPP) Cumilla PKSF, GOB 3,75,00,000.00 2004-2020 Loan for the ultra-poor.
18 Micro Health Insurance Cumilla CCDA, ILO 7,67,808.00 2004 - 2006 Selected beneficiaries of CCDA another program for the treatment of common diseases by qualified doctors and render pathological services with the diagnostic center.
19 Microfinance and Technical Support (MFTS) Project Cumilla PKSF, IFAD 24,10,00,000.00 2003-2010 Finance for livestock development with technical support.
20 Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development Project-1 (PLCEHD-1) Cumilla Bureau of Non-Formal Education-GOB 7,35,000.00 2003- 2007 Unlettered Man and Woman of the project area, Monitoring and following up the activities of project implementing organization.
21 Road Side Plantation Project Cumilla CARE Bangladesh Food for work 2003-2005 Road site tree plantation in rural areas to reduce global warming and increase the sustainability of the environment.
22 Women Empowerment through Decent Employment (WEDE) Cumilla ILO- Women's Empowerment through Employment and Health (WEEH) 30,42,725.00 2002-2005 Assistance for imparting training to potential borrowers to launch Micro Enterprise and to start Micro health insurance projects by organization.
23 Kishori Sheba (Adolescent Development Program) Cumilla Unitarian Service Committee -Canada (USC –Canada -Bangladesh 2,89,160.00 2000 - 2009 Completed 5 schools with 100 learners, ran an Adolescent (Girl) center for regular gatherings to discuss reproductive health & other issues, and trained on IGAs and received credit.
24 Establishment of Primary School in the Village Have no School Cumilla CCDA, WB, GOB 5,50,000.00 from the World Bank and CCDA Provided Operational Costs. 1999 - 2013 Established a primary school and local children are admitted into Class-1 to class-V for primary education program as per government curriculum.
25 Eradication of Illiteracy and Promoting the Decaying Traditional Value Cumilla Bangladesh Freedom Foundation (BFF), Ford Foundation Fund 23,88,296.00 1999-2003 Under the Eradication of illiteracy and promotion of decaying traditional values, opened 3 yrs non-formal education schools for the children, aware local school students of the traditional values of the community, development messages were disseminated through street drama, operation of the mobile library.
26 Disaster Management Project Cumilla CARE Bangladesh 59,67,252.00 1997-2005 Disaster management committee members of 81 unions and 5 upazila were trained & equipped to respond during the disaster, Contingency plans were prepared for the targeted Union Parisad & Upazila, and Volunteers were trained in rescue & first-aid.
27 Establish Fish Breeding Center Cumilla Australian High Commission in Bangladesh Provided Technical Support 1997-1998 Established a fish breeding center for aquaculture development in rural areas.
28 Agro-based IGA Cumilla Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Bangladesh 37,16,089.00 1995-2005 Staff training on Agro-based Income Generation activities, Supply of seeds & technologies for crop production, and field assistance among the beneficiaries.
29 Fisheries Development Cumilla World Food Programme (WFP), GOB Food for work 1993- 1996 The component's activities included the re-excavation of fishponds, lakes, and borrow-pits, and the deweeding of enclosed rivers within flood control, drainage, and irrigation projects. Ultra-poor men and women were employed to undertake the activities for food wages.
30 Education Support Program (Non-formal Education for Children) Cumilla BRAC 15,46,215.00 (Budget 2012-14) 1992 -2014 Running 10 schools with 30 students in each for 3 years course (BRAC Model) and Literacy rate increased.
31 Pipeline Water (Rainwater) Supply Project Cumilla NGO- Forum for Public Health 9,23,641.00 1992-2008 114 families of Putia village use rainwater through pipelines for drinking purposes and 70 families constructed rainwater collection systems at the domestic level.
32 Improvement of Sanitation Status & Arsenic Mitigation Cumilla NGO- Forum for Public Health 6,70,020.00 1992-2008 100% of Households of 5 villages improved their sanitation status & mitigated the arsenic problem, and 90% of beneficiaries of CCDA use low-cost water-sealed latrine.
33 Social Afforestation Cumilla World Food Programme (WFP), GOB Food for work 1991- 1998 The activities undertaken under this component included road and canal side plantation and block plantation. For food and cash wages, the poorest women participants planted and cared for saplings.