The most important and largest intervention of CCDA was initiated in 1993. The women Development and Micro Credit program is now being operated mainly with the support of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). PKSF promotes Microfinance in Bangladesh through wholesaling credit to NGOs/MFIs for retailing to small borrowers, with a special focus on savings, credit and income generation activities (IGA)/enterprise development activities.
Important Features and Achievements of CCDA’s ever expanding Microcredit Program are:
- Operation based on tailor-made Micro Credit Guideline, updated from time to time, closely monitored and followed up
- Members are encouraged to generate Welfare Fund in addition to normal group savings. Good students of the members’ children are provided with scholarship for further education.
- 100% loan recovery rate since the start (1993).
- Seasonal (mostly for farming activities) and livestock-related loans are provided, in addition to normal IGA loans.
- Advanced/potential members are developed as micro-entrepreneurs through enterprise/ business promotional supports including the development of skills.